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How Digital Transformation is Changing Addiction Treatment Centers

As more addiction treatment centers relentlessly drive toward digital transformation as a way to provide better care for patients and to be more competitive, technology and addiction treatment leaders must decide how best to adopt these technology changes while making sure security doesn’t fall behind.


While the increasing investment shows that addiction treatment centers understand technology is vital to their practice, they don’t all seem to be alert about protecting that investment.

Cyber Security

Failing to do so can be very costly: Recent research has proven that companies without cyber security are more likely to see $1 million or more in losses from cyber attacks.

Cyber security experts recommend that proactive risk management measures are incorporated from the start.

The PwC report determines that security issues surrounding digital transformation are often as simple as not having the right IT support team in place.

Experienced IT Service Team

By adding an industry experienced IT service team from the beginning of a digital transformation effort can put an addiction treatment organization on a secure foundation.

Furthermore, have an IT company like IT For addiction can help with boosting communication and awareness around security issues during digital transformation.

Getting Over Obstacles

In the end, one of the biggest obstacles to having an addiction treatment center that is competitive is technology. Outdated technology can hold your organization back from providing the best services to your patients, as well as make your organization vulnerable top HIPAA violations due to the lack of security.

Keeping your technology and security up to date doesn’t have to be a daunting task, especially when you have help from an IT company with over 20 years of experience in the addiction treatment industry.

Staying Up To Date

Between keeping your system updated and providing reliable computer security, restricting the access of business associates to PHI, and keeping up with training, your organization will rise above your competitors.

Ready to take your organization to the next level? Schedule your free risk assessment today!